Emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to be aware of oneself, control oneself’s feelings.

There are 5 key elements of emotional intelligence.

They are:





5)Social Skills

Self-Awareness is to be aware about your life and know what is happening around you.Knowing about your life is nothing but being aware of your emotions,your actions and your strengths and weaknesses.

Self-Regulation is the ability to control one’s feelings,actions,strengths and weaknesses.

Motivation is nothing but motivating yourself to do something in life and being happy.

Empathy is the feeling of pain for another person when the person is in pain.It is feeling the way the person is feeling.

Social Skills is the way you are with everybody.This includes communication,behavior and relation with the person.

Nagesh Yenigalla,

Event coordinator, member of GGT class 2

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