Emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to be aware of oneself, control oneself’s feelings.

There are 5 key elements of emotional intelligence.

They are:





5)Social Skills

Self-Awareness is to be aware about your life and know what is happening around you.Knowing about your life is nothing but being aware of your emotions,your actions and your strengths and weaknesses.

Self-Regulation is the ability to control one’s feelings,actions,strengths and weaknesses.

Motivation is nothing but motivating yourself to do something in life and being happy.

Empathy is the feeling of pain for another person when the person is in pain.It is feeling the way the person is feeling.

Social Skills is the way you are with everybody.This includes communication,behavior and relation with the person.

Nagesh Yenigalla,

Event coordinator, member of GGT class 2

Greater Good Teens

Here’s an insight to the Greater Good Teens Workshop 

Title: Greater Good Teens (GGT)
Objective: A strength-based workshop for teens on Happiness, Mindfulness, Authenticity and Character Strengths 
Duration: Six hours of personalized, interactive, hands-on learning sessions (Saturday 4-7 PM, Sunday 10-1 PM) 
Class size: not exceeding eight per batch
Instructor: Reena Sonigrah (Interdisciplinary learner/trainer, MIT (USA) Global Entrepreneur and founder of GritKernel, LearnerBeing, GGT)
The content of the workshop is developed through relevant scientific studies and the session is delivered with an inherent goal to enhance peer-to-peer collaboration and effective communication. Motive of the workshop is to enable teenagers to (1) learn about themselves through an optimistic approach, (2) explore, connect, collaborate authentically, (3) flourish through inner happiness, mindfulness and character strengths. This workshop also provides a community to grow and learn so that our teens create not just good but greater good in this world. To name a few benefits:
  1. Students pay once and attend the workshop
  2. After this their engagement is life long because they automatically qualify to be volunteer teachers and members of GGT 
  3. Students are encouraged to assist in teaching in the consecutive classes 
  4. Students have a blog space to express their feelings/views, stories and journeys at https://greatergoodteens.wordpress.com/
  5. Students become part of the email group to receive updates and collaborate in social projects 
  6. Students meet once a month with some volunteer mentors (parents and professionals) to do activities from group discussion, community projects, run marathons, hike, etc. Participants pay only for food and other associated charges for the meet-ups. 
  7. Participants pay only for food and other associated charges for the meet-ups. 
  8. Students are encouraged to conduct training (through my assistance and guidance) in their respective schools and communities
  9. Students are cheered with holistic support to pioneer and lead social awareness projects
Next workshop is on Jan 6 and 7. Connect with us at greatergoodteens@gmail.com. 

Being teen,Being happy

“Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you cannot have a rainbow without a little rain!”

It seems as though people are always in search of happiness. If everything was perfect, and I was always 100% happy, would I truly be happy?? Perfection is not happiness. Most teenagers don’t know the true meaning of happiness. A teen usually feels stuck between childhood and adulthood
The teenage stage in life is known to be the most complicated stage that a person undergoes. Teenagers want to be treated like adults, yet their actions show that they are still immature.
For happiness to reside inside the teenage soul is quite a difficult task due to the teenager’s unstable mood swings. The number of depressed teens in the world seems to be increasing. People often wonder why they don’t get happiness with all the latest technology. But they fail to realise miscellaneous items are not true happiness

Greater good teens not only guide teenagers, but also teach them to live a happy, meaningful, and resourceful life and living every moment of life happily.
The workshop is all about realising our own potential and putting it into full use. We learn about happiness, authenticity, mindfulness and building character strength.
I am a part of the first batch of GGT, and we had truckloads of fun throughout the workshop. The workshop specialises in personal training,giving us a very comfortable and homely feeling. Rather than being in a stuffy room we spent time walking around and having lots of interactive time.
It was lot’s of fun…we were taught in a very effective manner, where we asked our opinions on the topic and we were supposed to explain things. The best part was the ……impromtu!!
After each topic was done we were asked to explain thing we learnt through a song, skit or dance. It was really effective and I loved every second spent there. I was able to meet a lot of people my age and were able to discuss common problems faced by teenagers.

Our future plan is to form a larger group of teens and work towards spreading happiness among teenagers.
Eagerly waiting forward for our next GGT meet up…. SO EXCITED…. 😛

Teen chart of class 1 (cool, isn’t it??!)
Doing an impromptu skit on authenticity…; )
After the workshop….: (
An interactive session in nature….: )

Member of GGT Class 1,

Blog coordinator of GGT team,

-Isha Kishore.